I am not trying to be Stephenie meyer here but there is no doubt that I am her fan. Her twilight series have left me wishing for more of her novels.
Edward Cullen the vampire hero in the story just took my heart at the very first read. And I know I am not the only one to be awestruck by him, there are thousands all over the world wishing for some one like him. And I am just one of them but here I have my own story to tell you about my encounter with Edward Cullen, the hero vampire.
One evening as I was taking my usual walk up the sangaygang hill, I was alone and it surprised me to see that no one came for their routine walk. As I put on my music in my ipod and started climbing up, I heard a jingling sound in the bushes nearby. Curiosity dragged me to that very bush which was now actually shaking. As I slowly stretched out my neck to see what was happening behind, a figure wreathing in pain (it seemed to me at first) caught my eyes. His back was turned towards me and I could hear his snorting and of course he was breathing very heavily. “Hello can I help you? I tried sounding friendly. The figure as if he was caught doing some felony turned with so much force towards me that I could feel the wind forcefully brushed my hair and as he flashed his white fangs to me, I screamed “Edward!!!” My eyes opened wide with shock I could feel that it might pop out any moment. My heart was racing abnormally. His facial expression changed and I could see that he was surprised as I was: How do you know me? Was the very first thing he asked me? “You are Edward Cullen, the vampire and I know you because I have seen you in the movies and read about you too. I was stammering while I was trying to explain to him. Bella was right in her description of him. He was one beautiful guy one would have ever come across and anyone could fall for him at the very first sight. Can u read my mind as well? I asked err…yeah I can” he said. I was getting too inquisitive by then; I asked him how it is to be a vampire and how hard it is for him to be with a human. The incredible thing here was I wasn’t scared not even close and I guess that made him more comfortable with me. He told me that it wasn’t as easy as it seem to be a vampire which fed on human blood. Though they are vegetarians, people still treated them with hatred and misunderstanding. “We are misunderstood” he finished his narration smiling off and I tell you I was falling for this guy. And god he could read my mind and I was trying hard not to think about it but as helpless as I was. It was too dark by then and I had to go back to my place. I invited him to my place but he said he was comfortable in the wilderness of our beautiful country. He assured me that he would meet me tomorrow again same time same place. Thus began our everyday meeting. I would rush from my work as soon as the clock stroked 5PM and without wasting much time, I would head to sangaygang. Falling in love with him was inevitable for me but I was taken off guard when he proposed me after two weeks of our so called meeting. The very first thing I shot back was “ what about Bella? “ he laughed it off and said “Bella is someone I have loved and someone I can never forget but she was a human and what happened with her was some hundred years ago so you imagine her to be alive now??? “I am a human too” I stammered. “that’s the beauty of your life, you die and you reborn and I must tell you that you are the very Bella I had fallen in love some hundred years ago and I came all the way from forks just for you. My instincts told me that I would find you here. And it still surprises me that I cant still read your mind” he smiled. I was dumbstruck by then. How come I don’t remember anything of my past life? Well I am a human being and that answered the question…I am Bella….my mind echoed these lines and my heart beat rather furiously. But I was comforted to know that my mind was not readable though I have been very careful and in control of my wandering thoughts. Thus started another of the Edward Bella story in the Thunder Dragon Country.
I was near Edward, his cold face yet calm face was staring at me. I was mesmerized for a while; it was his icy cold touch that woke me up. “Edward” I mused...”yes darling” he answered back as he blew in his cold breathe in to my face. I close my eyes trying to figure it out if it was a dream. No it wasn’t, Edward indeed was near me with his cold gaze fixed on me. I don’t know how I smelt to him but I know his love over powered his want for blood. And I loved him for all that, with all that I could.
PS: it was just my wild imagination at work. In the process of trying to be like stephenie meyer, I know I sounded so stupid. But that’s the beauty of writing I guess and I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it. At least I brought Edward to Bhutan. And if you like it, let me know, next time I am going to invite Jacob Black…hehe.